Through collaborations and partnerships; via grants, personal donations and fundraising activities, United Grandcess Community Inc. aims to addresses the most critical concerns and challenges facing seniors in the United States, children and elderly across Grandcess Liberia.

Below are some on-going and completed projects implemented over the years by the organization and/or individuals. Through collaborations and partnerships with continue to support people living in under-resourced and under-developed communities.

Status: On-Going
Year Initiated: 2023

Description of Project: Planning and Development of a school for the Newcess Community in Greater Grandcess. This school will educate children, adults and the elderly population.

Year Initiated: 2022 – 2023

Description of Project: Project Light Up Grandcess aims to provide clean source of energy to light up the city of Grandcess, Liberia. This initiative will help reduce the use of kerosene lamps as light source, candles for study areas and provide safe, cost-effective source of lighting for the community.

Objective: Our collective efforts aim to bring sustainable power source for streetlights to the communities, families and students of Grandcess City in GrandKru County Liberia.

Year Initiated: 2021 – 2023

Description of Project: The Vocational and Technology (VoTech) Preparatory Program support the transition/preparation of students and young adults into vocational and technical career pathways across Liberia. Students will engage in activities that increase their ability to access vocational and technical trades. Programming will emphasize project-based learning and training for entry-level skills in construction trades and the service industry.

Expected outcomes : greater access to post-secondary education programs, exposure to construction trades, service industry occupations, small business preparation and employment for youth, women and others living in under-resourced communities in Grand Kru County and across Liberia.

Year Initiated: 2016

Description of Project: The Community Store project was proposed base on an appeal from the people of Grandcess as to provide relieve for the people Grandcess (Seklakpoh) from travelling over 50 – 150 miles to Barclayville in Grand Kru County and Pleebo and Harper Cities in Maryland County to purchase provisions and hardware goods. Citizens will travel as far to Monrovia to obtain reasonable prices. Hardware goods to help in the development as citizens are returning and people are rebuilding from the Civil War.

Provisions and Hardware Store in Grandcess (SeKlakpoh) to provide access to convenience goods for the Grandcess people/community in SeKlakpoh

Year Initiated: 2015