
United Grandcess Community (UGC) Inc., a 501c3 non-profit organization based in New Jersey, was created to support seniors in local communities across the United States and to advocate for seniors and children in Grandcess, Liberia while taking a lead in the development of infrastructure and people across Grandcess.

UGC helps to improve the quality of life for community residents in the United State and Grandcess, Liberia West Africa. We identify vulnerable individuals, families, and sometime entire communities in destitute and provide assistance in the form of basic living needs, healthcare supplies and education materials to local schools and students. We provide scholarship to students within our communities in the United State and Grandcess.

We provide support for vocational training, community healthcare prevention program, social programs and assistance focused on community empowerment and positive child development.

We strive to uplift families and help them access resources and build sustainable solutions to everyday challenges (i.e. limited access to quality drinking water, healthcare, energy and academic/economic opportunities, etc.).

The people of Grandcess are rooted in heritage and cultural pride. As such, the organizations and its members extend our traditions and heritage to communities here in the United States to foster healthy families, civic responsibility and projects that motivate young people, supports women and create social impact.